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A perfect Decaf English breakfast tea with good body and full tea flavour notes. Coppery bright especially enticing with milk.

Luxury Ingredients: Decaf Black tea

Tea(s) From: India

Antioxidant Level: Medium

Caffeine Content: Removed naturally using CO2

Shelf Life: 10 years unopened, 2 years after opening.

HOT BREWING METHOD (Ideal Brewing Temperature: (100ºC/212ºF):

Bring filtered or freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea for each 7-9oz / 200-260ml of fluid volume in the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste (the longer the steeping time the stronger the tea).

Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea or 1 tea bag into a teapot for each serving required. Using filtered or freshly drawn cold water, boil and pour 6-7oz/170-200ml per serving over the tea. Cover and let steep for 5 minutes. Add hot tea to a 12oz/375ml acrylic glass filled with ice, straining the tea or removing the bags. Not all of the tea will fit, allowing for approximately an additional ½ serving. Sweeten and/or add lemon to taste. A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced tea is to increase the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted. (Note: Some luxury quality teas may turn cloudy when poured over ice. This is a sign of luxury quality and nothing to worry about!)


It has long been rumored that the Queen of England insisted on drinking only decaffeinated teas past noon. And it could well be true, since drinking decaf allows those who are caffeine sensitive to reap all the health benefits of tea without getting the jitters. Tea, proper tea that is, produced from Camellia Sinensis, naturally contains polyphenols and antioxidants for an added boost of wellness to enhance an already delicious drink. The problem for many years was that decaffeinated teas were sub-par in flavor. At the factory level, finished tea underwent a chemical-based decaffeination process that stripped the caffeine and with it many of the natural healthy compounds found in the untreated leaf.

The introduction of the 'Canadian Chemical Free CO2 Process' into the market removes caffeine without using chemicals of any sort. Instead, finished tea is briefly soaked in exceptionally pure water and gently flushed with CO2. The CO2 binds to the caffeine molecules and extracts them from the tea leaving behind all the natural proteins that give tea its flavor. It also leaves many of the polyphenols and antioxidants intact.

For a decaf, the cup is decidedly self-assured with lovely floral notes, medium body, balanced astringency, and long finish. A wonderful all-day breakfast tea that opens wonderfully with milk.
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